Stones Identifier

by Aqeeq Alwalaya



The "Stones Identifier" app is a specialized application aimed at providing comprehensive information about gemstones in a simplified and easily accessible manner. The app allows users to explore various types of gemstones, learn about their unique properties, and benefit from reliable information regarding their sources, traditional uses, and modern applications.Additionally, the app features an advanced tool for measuring ring sizes, enabling users to measure ring sizes with ease and accuracy using their smart devices. This facilitates choosing the right ring without the need to visit a store.With a simple and flexible user interface, users can explore a wide range of gemstones, learn through detailed articles and clear images, aiding them in making informed decisions when purchasing or selecting gemstones that suit their tastes and needs.In essence, "Stones Identifier" is the perfect companion for anyone interested in gemstones, combining comprehensive knowledge with useful tools to ensure an enjoyable and informative user experience.App Features:- Lightweight on the phone.- Easy to use.- Ring size measurement tool.Note: Measurements may not be accurate on older devices or those with low screen pixel density.